December 28, 2012

Media Pembelajaran Stack

dalam posting kali ini saya akan memberikan media pembelajaran mengenai stack atau tumpukan. dalam aplikasi ini tersedia materi dan evaluasi berupa soal serta jawaban dari soal evaluasi tersebut...

berikut screen shootnya

bagi tmen2 yang ingin mendownload silahkan klik disini jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar dan asal instansi

July 29, 2012

Pelatihan Calon Dewan Penghela

baru kali ini (29-07-2012) rasanya capek sekali mengurusi adek2 calon dewan penghela HW SMK MUGA yogyakarta, d mulai dri pukul 13.00 (janjiannya) tapi biasa jam indonesia ngaret jadi jam 13.30 baru dimulai. kegiatan pelatihan dimulai dengan materi tali-menali sampai adzan ashar kemudian di lanjutkan kembali setelah shalat ashar... dan acara tali-menali selesai pada pukul 16.00 dan setelah itu adek2 calon dewan brkumpul d dpan papan koran sekolahan (mempersiapkan untuk rapling) dan pemanasan dengan berlari mengelilingi gedung timur sebanyak 2 kali putaran dan melemaskan otot2 dengan senam ringan... setelah itu para calon dewan di ajarin cara mengenakan webing (nama tali untuk melakukan terjun atau rapling) sebelumnya para calon dikenalkan dengan nama2 peralatan yang digunakan untuk melakukan rapling... (webing, carabiner, figure x, carmantel dll).

kebiasaan adek2 yang baru pertama kali mngenal rapling agak susah menjelaskan cara mngenakan webing... dan setelah selesai mngenakan webing giliran adek2 untuk menuruni gedung timur SMK yaitu dari tangga lantai 3. seperti pada umumnya kalo baru pertama ada rasa takut pada diri mereka (dulu saya juga tapi sekarang pengen lagi dan lagi... hehehe). setelah semua mencoba terjun pada pngen lagi. tetapi waktu sudah tiba saatnya berbuka puasa terpaksa kegiatan rapling diakhiri dan kita berbuka bersama di lingkungan sekolah...

bagi yang belum pernah rapling cobalah... asyik lho... :D

April 17, 2012

Reversing the words with the recursive

After posting flowchart reverse this word with iterative times will I give the word to reverse the recursive flowchart. We just see ...

Reversing the word by way of an iterative

This flowchart is used to reverse the words entered by the user. And we just headed into the picture ...

Looking for any number divisible by 5 and 7 with the recursive

On this occasion I will provide a flowchart that is used to look for numbers between 1 and 100 is divisible by 5 and 7 by means of recursive

flowchart to find the number is divisible by 5 and 7 are iterative

On this post I will provide a flowchart to find an integer between 1 and 100 is divisible by 5 and 7

Reflection Week 7th

at seventh week of this lecture discusses the algorithms and programming array. on this matter I have little understanding of the array. even then I would prefer to learn more about the array

April 5, 2012

Reflection Week 6th

On this sixth week of the students described recursively. Though I described acknowledged still do not understand about these recursive. To solve this I will return to learn via internet or books.

April 2, 2012

Reflection Week 5th

In the fifth week is as usual divided into groups of six people and discuss issues that are not yet understood. Representative from each group sent a person to use the functions described in the raptor. After completion described me as a representative of the group I explained to a group of friends. Once we understand the group started working on a task that is in the book. To better understand when he got home, I tried again what is described in the fifth week of classes in this ...

March 23, 2012

Reflection Week 4th

At the meeting of the 4th week I was not able to follow lectures in because no business making e-ktp the lecture coincides at Alpro. To catch up from my friendstried to do the cases in the slide and the diktat until I can understand the structure of the loop. And the outcome of the case has been my job posting on this blog before ...

March 22, 2012

Determining a leap year

After I gave a flowchart in a row, this time I will provide a flowchart to determinewhether the year is a leap year or not. This flowchart using conditional or selectionbetween two options. We immediately wrote to the scene ... Hehehehehe.
The program will execute in a manner entered by the user if the entered year is divisible by 4 or not. If it runs out in the fourth year is a leap year and sebaliknyatahunis not divisible by 4 then the program will write the year is not a leap year.

Volume And Surface Area of ​​Cube

This time I will provide a flowchart to find the volume and surface area of a cube that has been long known to his ribs.
The workings of the program user to enter the long side of the cube and the programwill execute with the formula specified in the program.

Looking for Distance From Two Points

The following is a flowchart to find the distance between points A (x1, y1) and point B(x2, y2).
The program is user insert a point x1, y1, x2 and y2. Once the points A and B will execute the program gained points A and B by way of rooting.

Looking for Ball Volume

Within this post I will provide a flowchart to find the volume of the ball.
The workings of the program flowchart is user simply enter the sphere's radius. And the Phi has been in the program with a value of 3.14.

March 21, 2012

Algorithm For Calculating Multiplication

On this occasion I will give algorithm or flowchart to calculate the multiplication ...
In a program to calculate the multiplication is added by using the formula a + a + a .... until the desired multiplication.

Algorithm for Calculating the Average Positive interger

In this post will be given a flowchart to find the average positive interger.

It looks like an average looking average in general.

Algorithm For Calculating powers

Here is a flowchart for calculating the powers of a way to count from 1 to rank with the powers of the desired ...

Algorithm for Transfer of Numbers

In this post I will give an algorithm or flowchart for the exchange rate or so-called swap ...
The way this program works like in our daily lives if we would change places with someone else then we will need an additional 1 spot again for a while occupied.

Algorithms for Finding the Average

In this occasion I will give an algorithm to find the average of n positive numbers. Please note ... Hehehe ...

In this program the user to enter a limited number of values ​​to be inserted.

March 17, 2012

Finding Algorithm Midpoint Of a Numbers

This time I will give algorithms for finding the midpoint of a few numbers.

In this program the user to input values ​​X1, X2, Y1 and Y2 to be read by the program and will be looking at the midpoint of the program

Lectures Week 3rd

In the third lecture this week I feel more understanding for the preparation of program or flowchart of the selection or conditional.

Impression and my advice to third classes are a fun learning system

Algorithm Odd Numbers From 1 - n

In this post I will give an algorithm that will write the odd number of digits 1 through n number is entered by the user.
Within the program the program will repeat the loop until the limit is entered by the user.

Algorithm to print numbers from 1 - n

Here is an algorithm to print numbers from 1 to n according to the entered by the user.
The algorithm uses a loop system. The program will work with repeated time after the user enter the desired number.

March 9, 2012

How to Join The Mailing List

In this post I will give you the steps to join the mailing list or commonly referred to as the mailing list ...
Just for those readers who want to know xaranya to be read carefully ...

1. Go to yahoogroups,com
2. Log into your yahoo account
3. Find the group name in the yahoogroups through the search group
4. Click join on display in the group
5. Fill out the form available in the screen of your monitor
7. Type the verification code in the form
8. Then click join
9. And wait for a confirmation email from the group moderator is sent to your email account

If there is a shortage please commentx sob ...

Thanks for read ...

March 8, 2012

History of Internet

- In 1969 the first network in the making by the U.S. defense department "DARPA" called the ARPANET. The network was first created to be used as a tool aimed at sending a message to the military in order to go unnoticed by the enemy.
- Through the project ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency) hardware and software they create a UNIX computer and can perform remote communication
- In 1972 Roy Tomlinson enhance your e-mail program that he created a year ago for the ARPANET.

- In 1973 ARPANET was developed out of the U.S. and a computer at University College in London was the first computer to use it
- Early in 1980 the ARPANET converted to TCP / IP is continued and funded by the National Science Foundation in collaboration with the Computer Science Networking and turned into the NSFNET

- The year 1990 is the most historic year when Tim Berners Lee found the program editor and browser that can roam from one computer to another computer that make up the network. The program is called the WWW (World Wide Web)

Algorithms and Programming Lecture Week 2nd

Alpro second week of college is very menyanangkan n greatly add to knowledge in discussion with the learning system. In this way it becomes easier to understand me because my friends in a group to teach each other.

Impression and my message to be more enhanced learning Sitem ...

March 4, 2012

Future Technology

Here are pictures of the technology in the future ...

March 3, 2012

Definition of Digital Systems

For those who want to know the definition digital system can be read via the site by waiting 5 seconds and click SKIP AD button on the top right corner ... Happy reading friend ...

March 2, 2012

Types of Algorithms

There are a variety of classification algorithms and each classification has its own reasons. One way to classify the types of algorithm is to consider the paradigms and methods used to design the algorithm. Some of the paradigm used in formulating an algorithm will be presented in this section. Each of these paradigms can be used in many different algorithms.
1) Divide and Conquer, a paradigm to divide large problems into problems of smaller ones. The division of this issue carried out continuously until it was the small problem that is easy to solve. In summary solve the whole problem by dividing a large problem and then solve the small problems that are formed.
2) Dynamic programming, dynamic programming paradigm would be appropriate if used on a problem that contains a sub-optimal structure (and contains some of the issues that overlap. Paradigm glance looks similar to the paradigm of Divide and Conquer, both trying to divide problems into smaller sub-problems, but there are intrinsic differences of character of the problems faced.
3) Method of greed. A greedy algorithm is similar to a dynamic programming, the difference between the answers of the subproblems do not need to know in each stage, and using the "greedy" what is seen best at the time.

History The term "algorithm"

The word algorithm is derived from the name of a mathematician latinisasi of Uzbekistan Al Khwarizmi (lived around the 9th century), as contained in his works in Latin translations of the 12th century "de numero Indorum Algorithmi". At first the word algorisma is a term that refers to the rules of arithmetic to solve numerical problems using Arabic numbers (actually from India, as written on the title above). In the 18 th century, the term evolved into an algorithm, which includes all procedures or a clear sequence of steps necessary to resolve a problem. Problems arise when will pour how the process that must be passed in a / a system (program) for the computer so that at the time of his execution, the computer can work as expected. Computer programmers will be more comfortable pouring computational procedure or sequence of process steps by first making a picture (flow chart) on paper.

Money retrieval algorithms in ATM

The steps for withdrawing money at an ATM that is:

- Insert your ATM card
- Select a Language
- Enter your ATM PIN
- Select the menu making cash
- Enter the nominal to be taken
- Select the correct
- Wait until your money out
- After select the button of your money out is completed
- And you pose your ATM card

Such measures for withdrawing money at ATM

March 1, 2012

First Day Lecture Algorithms and Programming

The first day of Algorithms and Programming course very motivating to students and to me ...

Impression and my messages more often motivate the students